Saturday, August 25, 2012

This is the post I have been dying to be able to write!!  We have finally gotten the final home study done!!!!!  We just have to get the notarized copies from our social worker in the next couple of days, and then we can send everything to Columbia for them to "apostille", which pretty much means they will notarize our notarized stuff. to our government to get our appt for the federal fingerprints, and at the same to Russia to start going through al of the translation and government stuff over there.  It is so awesome to get to this point!!!!  We've been waiting for this that was supposed to take 1-3 months now for 5-6 months, and if you know me, you know that patience is not something that I have alot of most times! 
I think I'm kind of in shock right now with this....we have been waiting and waiting, and now this step is done.  I have all the other paperwork already done, it has just been sitting in my binder waiting for this day so that we can send it all...and here it is.  So, I'm glad we have made some progress on her room, the walls are painted, crib should be up tomorrow, the window stuff is being made, and the rest of the furniture should be done within a month or so.  I guess this is really going to happen after all!
This week has really been amazing all around.  I got to spend some great time with my boys on Monday and Tuesday, which unfortunately I don't usually get enough of, then Wednesday it was off  to school for them.  Of course they did great at school, and they both seem to have amazing teachers this year.  I feel certain that they are going to to great this year!  I had my first taste of working from home while the kids are in school and I am home to get them off the bus.  I was able to get my work hours in while they were at school so that when they got off the bus, I was done and could relax or start schoolwork or just sit on the porch with Audrey...which is so awesome!  Starting next week I'm cutting my hours by 8 so that I can start back to clinical and have some time to breathe!  I really feel like this is going to change my life and stress level, which will be incredible.  I can put them on the bus, work for 8 hours, and then get them off the bus and I'm done!  It's just amazing to have a few more hours to get schoolwork done earlier.  I can already feel my stress level coming down.  Granted, its only the first week of school, but I know this semester will be one week at a time like all the other ones, and it will be over before I know it like it always is!
I can't help but just be so thankful for everything going on right now.  We have had friends lately with tragedy in their lives, and it really just makes you want to hang on to the people you have in your life.  We have been so blessed in so many ways, and it truly is overwhelming sometimes to think about it.  I would have not made it this far with everything if it weren't for Jeremy keeping my sane and reasonable, and so many amazing friends listening to my craziness!  Everry night when I hear the boys say their prayers and they pray for Lainey and that she is safe (whether she is born yet or not), and that she would get to come home to be with us soon I get overwhelmed with how amazing life is all over again.  Life is not always easy, and there are for sure some rough times, but I couldn't ask for it to be better.  It just doesn't get much better than this!!!

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